If you’re new to seed saving flowers, zinnias is the perfect place to start! It’s so simple to gather the seeds for these beautiful flowers so you can have even more next year!
The first thing you’ll want to do, is pick a few zinnias. Make sure all the petals are kept in tact.
Take them inside and put them in a ventilated area to dry. I use a drying rack, but a paper towel or papers plate works fine. Somewhere out of the way. The drying process may take a couple of weeks.
You will know when the zinnia is dry. It will be crunchy to the touch and will have lost it’s vibrant color. Once dry, it’s time to take the seeds out!
Removing the seeds couldn’t be easier. Just pull the whole petal out. Seed the image below.
At the end of the petal is a the seed! It’s shaped a lot like an arrowhead. You can store pop just the seed off to store, or leave it be with the petal intact. It doesn’t matter either way.
You can also let the flowers dry completely on the stem in your garden and then gather the seeds!