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Amazon: CLICK HERE to shop our favorite products at our Amazon Associate Storefront!
“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”

Did you know we have a merch shop? Every design we offer was drawn by me (Baygent)! We have t-shirts, sweatshirts, long sleeve shirts, and phone cases available. Everything is on Amazon and ships free with Prime membership or a qualifying purchase. Check out all of our designs HERE.

Vego Gardens: CLICK HERE to shop the world’s best modular metal raised garden beds!
Azure Standard: CLICK HERE to shop through our referral code!
If you’re looking for a place to purchase natural, organic, non-GMO and environmentally friendly products, Azure Standard is the place for you!

ForJars: CLICK HERE to shop canning lids!
The highest quality canning lids that seal every time! Use promo code: BAKERHILL to save 10% on your purchase!