As a Christian homeschool mom, finding fiction books for my children to read can be difficult. It seems that in recent years, things opposed to Christian ideals are what major publishing companies are promoting and what book stores and libraries put on display.
Over time, I plan to share some of our families favorite books and publishing companies that promote Christlike morals. Not all the books I share will be Christian necessarily, but they won’t be in opposition to a Biblical worldview.

The first series I want to highlight are the readers from Christian Light. These readers are a part of Christian Light’s reading curriculum. However, over the years I have collected the series and used them with and without the curriculum.
All of the stories are from a Biblical worldview. The readers start at first grade and teach simple moral lessons, poems, and Bible passages. There are no study questions in the volumes. They are simply a collection of short stories.
The moral lessons progress with each volume. In later volumes (6th grade and up), students are introduced to challenging questions regarding faith, family, and the world around them. These stories cause students to think deeply about others and world events.
Some Things to Know
Christian Light is a faith based publishing company that has a line of curriculum used in private schools and homeschools as well as books for the whole family. The publishing company is owned and operated by Mennonites and many of their books outside of their school material promote their specific theological views. However, the reading series does not highlight theological practices or beliefs that aren’t general to all of Christendom.
Views you WILL find:
Jesus Christ is the Messiah and God’s Son
Jesus is God
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are One
When we love God, we aim to obey Him
Our work is obedience to God
I have found these readers to be “safe” for my children to read without me screening each story. This is a comfort to my heart! I hope they bless your home as well!
Disclaimer: I have not read each reader in their entirety. If you find something within them that opposes the views listed above, please email me so I can make corrections.
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