Children are naturally creative. In fact humans are as a whole in some way or another because we are created in the image of the Creator. When my children get their creative juices flowing, the play well together, their more open to learning, and provide me with entertainment.
Even though we homeschool, I find prompts to be very useful to get their minds thinking outside of the box. Today I am going to list some that you may want to implement with your own children. These will all be garden themed.

- Imagine you are a plant the gardener is coming to harvest produce from. Explain the experience from the plants perspective.
- Describe an invention that would be useful to home gardener’s everywhere. What does it do? Where can it be acquired? What are the setbacks of using it?
- Imagine you are a spider that eats harmful pests in the garden. How can you convince the gardener, who is afraid of spiders, not to kill you even though you can’t audibly speak?
- Imagine that you are a bee looking for nectar. You come across a garden. Describe the experience mentioning the five senses.
- 119 billion pounds of food is thrown away in America each year. Can this problem be solved with home gardens? How and what other resources would be useful so nothing goes to waste?
- Draw what you think your family’s garden should look like. Give reasons for your design below youtr picture.
- If one resource could be free for all home gardeners, which one should it be? Explain why you chose it.
- Draw what the entryway to your garden would look like. Is it functional or just for viewing pleasure?
- Draw a tomato hornworm that love his job.
- Imagine your a rabbit whose favorite snack is carrots from the garden. Do you get them or not? Explain why.