Homeschool families everywhere are wrapping up this years studies! Students are excited and I know mommas are too! 😅 A break is needed for us all!
My children may be schooled at home, but they still enjoy getting a report card. Some homeschoolers choose not to give report cards, but we find it important in our family. It gives students an awareness of how they have performed, which is something to be expected when they start their journey as adults in the workforce. Shielding them from understanding when they have not met specific standards isn’t always appropriate.
However, as homeschoolers we have the freedom to evaluate them based on their abilities and not according to their grade or so the students. Grading their work doesn’t have to be comparing them to their peers. Rather, for our family, we grade and evaluate our children based upon what we know to be their own potential.
Below is a free report card printable. It is simple and to the point!