Learning to write well is an essential skill for all students. Anything your child does in life will somehow be dependent on language skills, and the more developed those are, the better off your student will be.

Pictured above is one of the writing curriculums we have tried and have truly enjoyed. There are three levels to this curriculum. Wordsmith Apprentice is the first level. The target audience is grade levels 4-6. In it, students pretend they are apprenticing for a newspaper. The editor of the newspaper instructs the student on how to write various articles or ads for the newspaper. The lessons are taught through a comic strip. The parts of speech and sentence structure are focal points of the curriculum. Each exercise takes roughly 10-20 minutes.

The next level in the curriculum is Wordsmith. The target grades are 6-9. In this curriculum there is not an overarching theme like level 1. Students are given a variety of creative exercises to develop creativity in their writing. For example, one exercise had students write a review for a new restaurant. The course reviews basic fundamentals of writing before they’re expected to do an exercise with those skills. This allows students to not have to do the first level in order to complete the subsequent ones.

The last level for this program is Wordsmith Craftsman. This level is for high school students preparing for further education or the workforce. Students will polish their writing skills while exploring various writing skills needed for employment and or college. Outlines, business letters, correspondence, and essay writing are just a few of the topics covered. Students will explore various writing styles as well as how to avoid plagiarism.
Overall, this is an excellent curriculum to supplement your current grammar or language arts program. It gives students bite size exercises that are not overwhelming. Since the exercises change each day, your student won’t get “bored” and will continue to be challenged!
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